RMN: Medical or scientific writer

Leader in the field of health communication in Belgium with brands dedicated to doctors and pharmacists (see hereunder), RMN is facing an increase in content to be provided to scientific societies, hospitals, Authorities and life science (pharma) industry.

This content exists of scientific magazines, newsletters, internet sites, videos, e-learnings, webinars…

We are looking for dynamic people:

  • with a scientific education (Medical doctor, PhD,
    Doctor in Science, …)
  • with an open mind for health, medical matters and
    business, contacts with opinion leaders, new advances
    in the field of medicine and pharmacology
    (attending conferences all over the world)
  • able to speak 2 languages out of the following 3
    (Dutch, French, English)
  • considering writing as a major communication way
  • aiming at meeting people such as leaders in medicine,
    in hospitals, in the pharma industry
  • able to work in a team with a lot of interaction

Full time or part time, freelance or as an
employee, with attractive

Brands (each brand has its magazine, an internet site,
daily newsletters, videos, …)

> Medi-Sphere/Medi-Sfeer for GP’s
> Le Spécialiste/De Specialist for all hospital specialists
> Neuron for Neurologists and Psychiatrists
> Gunaïkeia for Gynecologists
> Vaisseaux-Coeur-Poumons/ Bloedvaten-Hart-Longen for cardiologists, pneumologists, endocrinologists, internists, intensive care, …
> Onco-Hemato for oncologists, hematologists,
anatomo-pathologists, …
> Skin for dermatologists
> Ortho-Rhumato for rheumatologists, orthopedists,
sport doctors, …
> Percentile for pediatricians
> Urologic for urologists
> Pharma-Sphere/Farma-Sfeer for pharmacists and assistants
> Medinlux

Join us: Vincent Leclercq | CEO RMN | v.leclercq@rmnet.be

RMN Varenslaan 6 | 1950 Kraainem BELGIUM | Tel: +32(0)2/785 07 20 | Fax: +32(0)2/731.33.55

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